Welcome to the SensusAccess e-learning course.
The SensusAccess e-learning course is intended for students, staff, faculty and others who are converting material into alternate formats such as audio books, e-books, digital large-print and Braille, either for themselves or on behalf of others. The course also covers how SensusAccess can be used to improve the accessibility of documents and to make documents easier to work with.
Notice to screenreader users: The SensusAccess e-learning course has been developed to comply with the WCAG 2 accessibility guidelines at AA level. The e-learning modules are implemented as web applications and application mode will be activated when entering the modules. Consequently, main navigation is done by tabbing through the modules. The arrows keys can be used to change the volume and navigating the menu. Actionable elements can be activated via the enter key or space bar. Note that whilst in application mode, most screenreader shortcuts for navigation are disabled. Read more about the navigation in Articulate e-learning courses here.
The SensusAccess e-learning course comprises the following nine modules:
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